BUILDING Use Policy & Agreement | Waitsfield United Church of christ

We want to continue to be able to offer this resource to the community, and it is much beloved by our church membership. Therefore, as you use this sacred space, we ask you to follow a few simple rules and agree to a few simple policies:

  1. Please leave the space the way you found it.

  2. Trash and recycling containers are located in the back room behind the kitchen.

  3. There is no alcohol, tobacco, or cannabis use allowed, nor are firearms permitted, in the building or on church grounds. 

  4. Worship services, weddings, and funerals that are led by anyone other than our Pastor must receive our Pastor’s permission to happen here. Use of the organ by anyone other than our Organist must receive their permission. 

  5. Events designed for children must adhere to our Safe Church policy, available upon request. 

  6. Any damage to the space is your sole responsibility. The church assumes no responsibility for personal injury or personal property damage of your personal property. We do not insure any portion of your rental. 

Fee Schedules

Pastor - $500
Building Use - $500
We require a $250, non-refundable deposit to hold your wedding date.

Pastor - $200
Musician - $175 
Building Use - $125

Other Service Type
Building Use - To be determined based on request.

Fees may be changed or waived at the discretion of the church, the Pastor, and/or Musician. 

If you are using other clergy or musicians for a wedding or funeral, you will have to negotiate those fees with them. The building usage fees are the same, whether or not you use our clergy and/or musician. 

Once we receive the below signed agreement, we will invoice you directly for the agreed upon services. If paying by check, please make the check payable to Waitsfield UCC. Our mailing address is PO Box 16, Waitsfield, VT 05673.

Checks for the Pastor and Musician should be made directly to them. 

To Acknowledge above policy, please download and complete below form(s)

Church Use Policy & Agreement

If event includes unrelated children and youth under 18, please also complete this form:

Liability & Disclosure Form | Safe Church Policy

Email questions and/or completed forms(s) to